
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Honor of Men

Hello Everyone,

I have held this topic for a little while, because, I was not sure how to really write on it.  Yet, it is quite simple, I will say what I feel. In this entry I am honoring men and would like for the ladies to join me.  Any woman that has a man in her life,son, husband, boyfriend, brother, nephew.

Why did I pick this topic you say?  Well, I have just seen how burdened men can become and it seems that so much is expected of them to be able to handle everything, but they can not.  How does the saying go "no man is an island."  They can not do everything alone.  Men are human beings who need encouragement, understanding and a sense of peace, just like us.

So many men work by the sweat of their brow and are in everyday battles that challenge them as a men.  An example could be getting overlooked on the job for credit on his accomplishment, but someone else took the credit or unfortunately, being taken for granted by a wife or girlfriend.  Ladies, do not get upset please - but, in some relationships, in the heat of an argument, some women will say, "you are not a man," that sends a dagger right into the very part of him that should be handled gently, his heart. Those words should never be spoken.  Sometimes, we have to be upset and not say anything until calmness happens.

Just as we as women want to be appreciated and respected, I think men need the same.  We can not say that men are suppose to do this or that and leave it there.  If a man does what he is suppose to do, then acknowledge him for it.  Of course, I have no experience being a man and could never be, but I see the hard work and sacrifices so many men make everyday.  I recall my dad, as a child I would be sure to be outside when he came home from work and in his hard dress shoes and suit, he would race me to the corner and race me back.  This is after a long hard day of work.  It did not stop there, the neighborhood boys would play football in front of where I lived almost everyday, so when my dad finished racing me, the boys would start calling my dad's name for the sake of the entry I will just call my dad Mr. Davenport.  So, they are yelling, "Mr. Davenport catch," my dad would take off running and catch the football, still in his suit and dress shoes, which then turned into him playing catch for about 5 minutes before going inside.  I am sure this is the day and life of men with families, as soon as they walk through their front door, they are met with everyone in the home needing time and attention before anything else.  And for all that they do that we know about and for all that they endure that we do not know about, we should honor them.  

We do not think that men are emotional, but they are, they are more guarded about their feelings.  So, if they can not trust us with their emotions, they will not share them.  Women are known for getting their feelings out, men are not, but it does not mean that they do not feel as sad or hurt as we can.  We do have different ways of communicating and men need to be able to trust that we will not throw something they have shared with us in their faces when we get upset.  Security is key to men as it is to women.  They want to know that we have their backs and are their friend.

Ladies, can we begin to honor the men more?  We have to let all of the men in our lives know that we are proud that they work, are in school, handled a situation well, were thoughtful, made an effort, are doing their best.  It is so easy to give some encouragement.  How about it Ladies, let's let them know we are thinking about them and appreciate them:)

                                           Always on My Mind sung by Fantasia

With inspiration,

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Words Have Power

Hello Everyone,

I had an interesting conversation the other day about someone who said something quite hurtful to someone else.  The centerpiece to the conversation was why would someone say something so hurtful to someone that they knew it would hurt deeply?  Then my brother said that my niece told him in a different conversation that "dad, hurt people, hurt people."  I have heard this so many times and it is really the answer to a large number of whys, why did he say that, why would she say this?  It does not excuse it, but provides an answer.

My paternal grandmother use to always tell the family, and it is a whole lot of us, but she would take the time to say, "taste your words before you say them and if they taste bitter do not say them, once they go out, you can not take them back."  Words have such power and we know this to be true, everyone at some point and time have had hurt feelings simply by what another has said. Could it be that the saying, misery loves company has a long measure of truth.  Do those that are hurt want others to join them in their misery so, they let their hurt get the best of them by lashing out at those who care?

Here is what I ponder, and I welcome comments to share your insight and perspective, if someone is hurt,  why hurt the person or persons that are showing love?  I am not sure how often the person that did the hurting ever gets to see how hurt the person really is.  Hurt people regularly lash out toward those that care the most and the words spoken can never be taken back?  This can damage a healthy relationship with family and friends.  Is it a case of the walking wounded, everyone near the wound is at risk to catch the raft of one's pain?  If this is so, how can it be remedied before it becomes toxic for those that have done nothing to hurt the one that is hurt.

The bible speaks of the power of the tongue.  It is important to make a conscious effort not to be one that inflicts hurt on others even if there is hurt within oneself. One thing I know for sure is that hurt people are wounded people that need healing.

I would like to read your thoughts and feelings about it.  Do not feel compelled, but if you would like to post a comment or words of encouragement that may help someone, feel free. 

A dedication video to those that are hurt

                                                            video by +jwalkerjessie by song by Fred Hammond

With inspiration,

Thursday, April 25, 2013

HairCare Friday

Hello Everyone,

Once again, it is HairCare Friday featuring - drum roll please...........................................

 The Fabulous Shirley Thompson rocking her TWA. 

Another stylish day in the life of Shirley Thompson who big chopped a little over a year ago to style naturally.
Enjoying the natural curls and swirls of being a natural. Back in the day, I wore a larger and longer fro, but it was me, and today this is me.  I love how I can see my natural curl pattern and having no more chemicals in my hair has made a difference.

I simply enjoy my TWA and cut it again 2 weeks ago.  For me, it is easier to style and summer is upon us, and it is cooler.  I really appreciate my natural look and I am very comfortable with me.

I like to do a wash and go.  I wash my hair, put moisturizer that contains olive oil in it, comb it through and head for the door.  No more chemicals for me.  In my journey, I found that it is healthier for my scalp, hair and for my health.  It is not good to inhale the chemicals.  I am natural for good and love it.

                                           A video dedicated to the Naturals

 Song by India Arie  Video by +lillie20 and +Demitria O

With inspiration,

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Little Encouragement for Couples

Hello Everyone,

It is no secret that there are many couples out there that are having a storm and do not feel there is much strength left in their relationship.  I am no relationship expert, but I know that the economy is impacting so many people, people overall are stressed from job drama, or job loss, bills piling high, feelings of being taken for granted and living in the grind of everyday hustle and bustle.  Everyone is moving at such a fast pace, somehow the kindness and compassion of strangers have been lost in society and bad attitudes are flying everywhere, the littlest thing can set a person off, this adds onto the daily challenge and before long couples individually are over extended and burnt out.  There are challenges on every front and it seems that there is no relief in sight.

Sometimes couples just have to exhale, sit still and talk.  Through everything pray, not just individually, but together and commit to making the biggest effort to taking care of each others heart.  It is so easy to vent frustrations on the wrong person only to add fuel to a flame.  It can be a battle to stay together when it feels like all forces are against you and pulling you apart.  It may be a good thing to just let the "world out there" be, but when it comes to a relationship make your world safe, a good place to be and filled with love that has staying power.  We can not control those in the world, but we can choose to be good to each other and claim peace.  Sure, there will be disagreements, but to what extent?  That is where the power of peace is in your hands.

Again, I am no expert, but just wanted to encourage those in a relationship that are struggling who mutually want to make it work.  I hope the video help to heal.

      Fred Hammond - A Song of Strength

With inspiration,

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Story of Injustice

Hello Everyone,

When I began blogging, I wrote that every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month that I would post an injustice from all over the world to bring light to it.  I modified it to every 4th Wednesday of the month to give more time to the story.  I would be careless to say that I am an advocate/activist and not be actively involved in bringing to light injustices to the forefront that have been pushed to the rear of the line for whatever reason.  So, as I find out and discover various injustices, they will be posted every 4th Wednesday.

Here, in America, we are increasingly faced with gun violence.  It is a fast and furious wave of people being gunned down of all ages.  It is a serious problem, and it seems to be difficult for the powers that be to decide on what levels of gun control should become law. The injustice is having to wait on legislatures to communicate and move on a law of protection, compliance and enforcement while the news covers stories everyday of another loss of life due to guns.  Of course, illegal gun purchases will continue, but, if the effort is made to control guns in spite of illegal purchase, it is better than bickering about who, what, where and how.  If stronger laws can be created that include stiffer penalties for violation of gun laws and enforcing begins, some lives will be saved, but being in limbo does not save lives.

The link below is about a promising young lady gunned down at age 15.

Snoop Lion f.k.a. Snoop Dog - No Guns Allowed      

With inspiration,

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Let Me Know What You Think :)

Hello Everyone,

I am thinking about having Fitness Tuesday.  Every Tuesday there will be information about healthy eating and physical fitness.  Please check with your physician before attempting to do exercises that you may see in a video post.  Let me know what you think by posting a comment.

There is a great group exercise called Spin.  It is a fantastic cardio workout, people spin for various reasons, weight loss, toning, full body workout without having to get on equipment all the time, but this is a wonderful cardio exercise. It is on a specialized stationary bike and it is loads of fun.  It is pretty intense and last for about 45 minutes, but always go at your own pace.  Instructors will motivate the class by saying things like, "push, if you seriously want results then work hard!!!"  This is overall for motivation, but go at your pace and hydrate throughout.  This is a class that I love.  Unfortunately, I have not been in awhile.

Here are some tips:
  1. take a bottle of water and a bottle of powerade or gatorade to sip on while spinning.  Just switch between the two to stay hydrated.   Or just take water.  Although, you will sweat do not drink ice cold fluids while spinning.
  2. do not where long sleeves or thick sweat pants, sweat, sweat, sweat is going to happen, so do not over dress.
  3. take a change of shirt/top, because by the end of the class you will be soaked.
  4. it is always good to stretch some before class.
  5. be on time, it is a very popular class and can get filled quick.
  6. invest in bike shoes.
  7. invest in bike gloves.
  8. do not forget to pace yourself, pay no attention to those around you, they maybe long time spinners.
  9. ask the instructor to help you set up the bike.
  10. invest in bike pants with seat cushion or a bike seat cushion cover for your first few classes.
  11. there is always a warm up  period where you just peddle before the session starts; however, if you are tardy and the session has started, do not jump into the session it is good to still do the warm up.
Below are two videos, the first is instructional information on spinning, the second is a glimpse of a spin class in session.   Third video is for inspiration.

 +Meagan Murphy, Fitness Director of Self and +Lauri Murphy, Spin Instructor in New York

                                                    +Psy Simon's, Spin Instructor

                                                   Video by +Dunstin Hughes

Fitness Tuesday, post your comments, let me know if you would like this.  Also, I am new to twitter and no followers yet, so, remember to follow me on twitter at

With inspiration,

Thursday, April 18, 2013

HairCare Friday

Hello Everyone,

Here we are again for Friday's post HairCare Friday.  When announcing HairCare Fridays, I briefly explained what natural hair is and now I am going to give you meanings of abbreviated terms. So as future post are made you will know what it means.  O.k. let us begin.

ACV- Apple Cider Vinegar, used to clarify and cleanse product build up out of hair and off of scalp

APL- Arm pit length hair

BC - Big Chop - cut off all chemically treated hair

BNC- Braid-n-Curl, corn rowing or plating the hair and rolling the ends with a type of roller

BSS- Beauty Supply Store

BSL- Bra strap length hair

CBL- Collar bone length hair

Cones- Ingredients in hair products that is not water soluble, for instance (silicone), build up can occur making it hard to wash out. It should be washed out thoroughly

Co-Wash- cleaning the hair with conditioner not shampoo.  Many shampoos strip hair of its natural oils

DT- Deep treatment with conditioner or oil

Dusting- Lightly trimming ends

EO- Essential oil

EVCO- Extra virgin Coconut oil

EVOO- Extra virgin olive oil

MBL- Mid back length
Transitioning- Growing out the chemicals in the hair

TWA- Teeny Weeny Afro

Twist Out- Instead of plait, two strand twist the hair with no rollers on the ends, while dry, damp or wet, once dry carefully separate and style

Wash-n-Go- co-wash hair, work a light conditioner and gel through the hair, fluff to your liking and go

TNC- Twist-n-Curl, two strand twist the hair and roll the ends with a type of roller


I will begin taking submissions for HairCare Friday's to share how to style tutorial videos and still life photos of a style that you really like to wear.  If you send in a still life photo, it must be you, give the name of the style, how you achieved it and share your natural hair journey story, tell how you feel about your decision to go natural and what advice can you share with those transitioning.

To submit please do the following: send in your how to style video or picture with hair journey story. Also, include your name, it can be your youtube name if different from your real name or your real name for posting, be sure to submit during  the week to; in the subject line put either tutorial or photo with story depending on what you are sending.  Every Friday, I will post a video or photo with the story that was submitted.  I look forward to your submissions.

The video for this Friday's HairCare is by +SimplYounique

With inspiration,

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

It's Time To Breakup -Repost

Hello Everyone,

It is so hard to breakup, because there is an attachment and invested time, a place of familiarity, and it means having to move on.  There is always an excuse to stay and be controlled, but it is time to sit down and chat and finally go in separate ways.  I am talking about a long-term relationship with fear.  Who wants such a relationship, we just do not know how to call the whole thing off. The spirit of fear is something that we allow to enter into our lives.

Fear can run and dictate your life.  Fear loves being boss and telling you what you can and can not do. Fear will be so convincing about having power over us that we fall for the gimmick.  Fear is a great negotiator, negotiating  power away to make us feel that it can break us.  Guess what?  It is time to sit down and have a chat with fear, have not things gone far enough, because of this chaotic relationship with fear?  Fear does not have your back, it tries to use scare tactics to keep you feeling powerless, it lies to you about how much power you truly have, it is a thief stealing confidence, peace, joy and invading your personal space.

So now, it is time to get some composer and kindly breakup.  Fear should no longer be allowed to have one moment more in your life.  Take it all back, whatever was stolen claim it and take it back. Fear won't leave on its' own, it will stay around as long as you let it, just weighing you down.  Go ahead and help fear pack, get all of its' trash talking, emotional strong arming and holding you back ways to the curb.  Set fear out, give fear a warning not to try and comeback, it can knock, but it will not get in.

It is time to point fear to the exit sign.

                                             Hello Fear  Kirk Franklin

With inspiration,

Monday, April 15, 2013

Change Will Not Happen Without Love Of Humanity

Hello Everyone,

Due to today's tragedy in the state of Boston, tonight's post will be posted tomorrow evening.  This video is a dedication to those injured, those that lost their lives and their friends and family.  Also, it is a dedication to those who have suffered such a tragedy in their life.

                                           The Late Great  Mahalia Jackson

With inspiration,

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Light Can Shine Through Darkness

Hello Everyone,

Brighter days are ahead.  For some, you're recent days may not have been so great, things may have taken place that are out of your control, you may be under loads of pressure and you have a headache thinking about all that is on your plate.  Try to ease your mind and know that it will not last.  Sometimes, we go through situations and we come out of them, but in between time, days seem cloudy.  We must make an effort to look for that silver lining through the clouds.

Sometimes rain makes for sadness, but consider rain as a means of washing away some of your troubles, bringing freshness to the air around you and giving new life to that which needs to grow.  Many times we need to grow in faith and look for brighter days. It may be a pleasant surprise.

If for any reason you are in a not so good mood right now stay tuned for the video.  I hope everyone watches.  Cheer up, you can make it :)

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With inspiration,

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Thank You

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to check in to say thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog and thank you to those who have added me in their circles.  I appreciate you and hope that you get inspiration from the entries.

My little thought for today is Enjoy life and live to live not to just exist :)

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                                             Jill Scott     Golden

With inspiration,

Friday, April 12, 2013

Great Tips for Growing Healthy Natural Hair

Hello Everyone,

It is HairCare Friday.  Today is a video on 10 Tips to growing natural healthy hair.  The young lady in the video is +Naptural85.  She has great tutorials on styles, homemade hair recipes and really good information on transitioning from chemically treated hair to natural.

I hope that you enjoy your Friday.

Don't forget to follow me on twitter


With inspiration,

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Past Is Behind You, Not Before You

Hello Everyone,

The past is a place in life that does not have to haunt you.  There are those that will feel that it is their duty to judge you, false.  It is their duty to be true to who they are and  judge no one.  People are imperfect and some will do very regrettable things that they wish could be taken back,but there is no way to make that happen.  So, they punish themselves by constantly reminding themselves of what they have done.  Self imprisonment is only built by the hands of one's own mind, meaning, the thoughts lock one in a state of regress.  Self condemnation will keep one feeling undeserving of a second chance at life to include, happiness, success, love and trust.  God will give you a second chance at life and not judge you that is really what matters.  If you are a changed person who does not do the things you use to, and you are true to that, then live like a new person.  Be your number one advocate.

Your past does not define you today so, do not let others wash your face with your past, sometimes others are toxic to your growth and they should probably have a back sit in your life, no longer front row.  Surround yourself with positivity and positive people, read positive materials, read a scripture everyday from which to receive spiritual nourishment.  You need to hear positive things and see positive acts, give yourself positive reinforcement for being a person of change.  Your mind needs to know that there has been a change, think good thoughts and say good things to yourself.  "Positive Thoughts, Positive Talk," is my slogan.  If someone says to you, I remember when is truly o.k. to stop them mid-sentence and say today is new, my past is where it belongs or just let them know boundaries are being overstepped and do not defend your position.  Hold your head up and believe that you are great today and that God wanted you here, He blew the breathe of life into you and woke you up to see another day.  This let's you know that you have the right to live not simply exist.  Let God's grace be the fire underneath you that motivates you to live in your second chance.

Do not regret your today, it is a grand opportunity to pursue happiness and the you that shines.  Looking back should not be an option, just focus on looking ahead, step out of the self-made prison and knock it down.  As hard as it may seem, replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, challenge yourself to face fears and believe in your abilities to conquer them.  Hey, remember, your past is where it belongs and it should not do anything, but stay there.  As you begin this transformation and are told by others that you have changed and you're not like you use to be.  Well, that is the idea, take it as a compliment, smile and say thanks.  They are right, you have changed and for the better.  Make your best effort to live for today and it will become your way of life.  It is so great that you have the power to live in happiness.

                                              Israel Houghton Moving Forward

With inspiration,
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Free Yourself

Hello Everyone,

The way that we think and things that we do can really hold us back, but not forgiving can hold us back even more.  The unwillingness to forgive can keep us angry.  We think it gives us a coping mechanism to help keep our guard up.  Because, if we stay angry at someone we will have the will power not to talk to them, not to care or keep at a distance.  This is a crutch, forgiveness does not mean that the guard comes down regarding the person, but it does free us from the anger and resentment against that person.  If we hold on to a grudge it only keeps anger brewing and holds back wholeness in mind, body and spirit.

Yes, someone has hurt you and the pain runs deep and you are mad to the 10th power.  Well, guess who that affects, only you.  The person that you are angry with may not care or may care, but has decided that there is nothing they can do about what happened and that is it.  You may decide that you are owed an apology and until you get one you will not forgive.  Listen, it is o.k. not to get an apology, it may not be real anyway.  But, if you ask God to help you forgive, you will be freed from what you have been holding, an apology would become insignificant.  Your freedom to feel the weight removed from your shoulders and being able to move on from being held back is right there for you, if you would forgive.  An apology is a way to make the person say "I wronged you and I am sorry," it is a way to bring them back to where you are with the hope of making them see or even better, feel your pain.  Why do that, why not just remove the shackles for your sake and take in a breath of fresh air and forgive.

Forgiveness is done on your behalf,  God requires this for a reason and if He can forgive us for missteps that may not make Him most happy and may be hurtful to Him, we can surely do as He ask and forgive others.  Put your pain aside and and free you.  You will not forget, you will have learned a lesson about this person, that you can actually use to identify certain characteristics in others that you may meet  in the future that alerts avoidance.  No matter in what capacity another person may show up in your life you have a pretty good radar that will sound, now you know this personality and how to handle situations with this personality type.  Make this work for you, not against your freedom.  You will feel so much better if you release your grip on wanting an apology or if you received one and it was not sincere, now you want a sincere one.  Release your grip let it go.  If you are not ready or know how to forgive ask God to help you fulfill the act of forgiveness so can you can be free from what has hurt you, you want to look forward and not behind.  He will help you do that.  Is that not better than dwelling on it? Giving room to a bad seed to grow like weeds choking all of the healthy parts of you that deserve to continue to grow.  Think about it, it is worth living a better emotional, spiritual  and physical life.  Not forgiving can affect your mind, body, and spirit, today you have the power to change the negative to a positive.  Give forgiveness a try.  You can do it :)

                                                 Matthew West Forgiveness

With inspiration,
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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Stress Management

Hello Everyone,

How do you deal with stress?  Stress is something that can be one of your biggest enemies, attacking your body in so many ways.  It can send you into bad health.  I thought that I would provide a link that would provide good information on stress management.  The source was found on written by +Melinda Smith, M.A. and +Robert Segal, M.A. Click on the link to read the article 

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Don't forget to watch the video:) 

                                                                                                                                                            Video Strong Enough by Matthew West
With inspiration,

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Those Who Have Not, May Have More -Repost

Hello Everyone,

There is much to be said about humankind and what people go through.  Today, it could be me tomorrow you; this is what we must remember.  This is no class of people better than another and we are all human not kind of human, or almost, or not quite, but we are human.  People of all colors are subject to hunger, homelessness, addictions and abuse.  So, we must not judge anyone, but care about everyone.  We may not be able to help, but we can care.  Everyone is loved by someone. I can not speak to everyone's origin of their circumstance or their story, but I think it is o.k. to want the world to be better.  We have to be mindful of how what we say and do can affect others.  Some become addicts due to childhood trauma and abuse that they never shared with anyone.  Some live based on the seed they have sewn in life.  We just do not know, but if when we see others that are down, we can at least give a kind word or simply a prayer in our hearts.  

Years ago, my brother called me one day and said that there was a homeless man that he usually bought milk for who spent time outside of a local 7 eleven store and that it was his day to buy milk, but could not make it, but if I could get him the milk or whenever I saw him.  I lived by the store so I told him sure I could get him milk.  I said to him wow, I did not know that, my brother told me that he had been making sure that he had milk for quite awhile and that he had so many stories about life that were on point.  He went on to tell me how one day when he bought him some milk he said to him him, "young man never give up, you may give out, but never give up."  He told him that he was old and lived many years, but as long as you never give up than you are o.k.  My brother said he really had a positive impact on him, here is someone who had no home, but so much heart and spirit that he wanted to encourage someone else.

So, one day I went to the store and there he was, so I told him who I was and he said oh yea and described my brother.  I told I would go in the store and get him milk, I did, then I asked him why do you only want milk?  He said to me that he was trying to nourish his bones, he did not want to become feeble and unable to walk, because he had to walk a lot to find places to sleep and he did not eat healthy, but he knew that milk would help his bones.  He thanked me and I left.  O.k., here  I go, I was positively impacted just like my brother Lan.  This man had a sense of wanting to live and determination.  Time went on and my brother and I continued to visit him at the store until he just was not there anymore.  This went on over a period of a couple of years.  We somewhat thought the worst, he was an older man, but at best he found a place to live.

Humanity is not just for those that have, but for those that have not, because those that have not material things can have so much inspiration.

Take a listen to the Christopher Vernardo, a homeless man on the video singing a song that he composed about his life on the streets of L.A. and what he has seen.

Not sure why he was made to take off his hat and turn, turn as if taking a mug shot, but......

                       Found on youtube (Christopher Vernardo) A Man With A Gift

With inspiration,

Saturday, April 6, 2013

You Say That You Want It......What Are You Doing To Get It?

Hello Everyone,

You have dreamed and been real hungry to be who you want to be.  What have you done to get there or shall I say what have we done to get there?  I am in that boat with you.  So what are we going to do to get it, to become that person that we know we should be?  Dreaming about it will not bring it to fruition, we must move in the direction of accomplishment through believing. Sometimes, we are faced with trials and it seems like a huge obstacle, but we must use it to step up from where we are.  We can only get stronger.  Even in a trial, keep moving, push, crawl, take baby steps, but keep moving.


If we can say this and believe it we can be it.  Believe in you everyday, every moment, every second, believe in you.  Let us begin this journey and claim our futures. 

                          How Bad Do You Want It? Found on Youtube Pt.1 & 2

With Inspiration,

Friday, April 5, 2013

So You Want to Style Like This........ Watch the Tutorial by MahoganyCurls

Hello Everyone,

+MahoganyCurls has a great youtube channel here is the link She has great hair tutorials.  Below is a perm rod set on natural hair tutorial.  Take a look.


With inspiration,

Thursday, April 4, 2013

How About Fridays

Hello Everyone,

As I mentioned in my very first blog, I am going natural with my hair and I am than 95% there. So, guess what? Every Friday will be "Hair Care" day.  You will see loads of natural hairstyle tutorials, stories of natural hair journeys and natural hair articles. what is good for your hair, what helps hair to grow, how does your diet affect hair health. Get ready for fun and education.

In deciding to become natural, there are so many things that change not just hair.  It is truly an overall decision to eat different, exercise and there is even an inner transformation.  There is a self assessment that takes place where you begin to really see and accept how you are made.

Just want to clear up the fact that natural hair does not just mean "kinky" hair, it simply means hair without chemicals.  It can be naturally straight, wavy, curly, without chemicals it is natural.  We will learn about all types of natural hair.

Society puts so many emphasis on how men and women should look and I understand, if you work in a white color job where a suit, or you have a job that has a uniform policy, but to change your skin tone or straighten your hair and add hair because someone somewhere said, this is normal and that is not, does not give you freedom to be you or to get to know who you really are.

In regards to adding hair, I am simply saying that adding hair for the purpose of conforming to society for acceptance is unacceptable.  Learn you, and how beauty is not someone else when you look in the mirror, it is all that you encompass, all of the genes that give you your smile, voice, laugh, walk, and yes hair, why not love it.  It is who you were meant to be, you have to begin to say, I love me.

Let society be whatever it is when it comes to commercializing what is beauty because, it is just commercial.  Real beauty is not just the physical attributes, it is also, having a beautiful spirit.  Everything you do, everyone upon which you have a positive impact helps to make you beautiful.

Let's take a peek at some of what is to come on Fridays.......  

A Natural that I discovered on youtube

With inspiration,

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Do You Know What is Good for You?

Hello Everyone,

Do you know what is good for you?  A smile.  Smiling releases what is called a "Happy Hormone." It makes you feel better and can help you lower your stress level.  Smiling is not harmful, but helpful.  If you do not always feel up to smiling, smile anyway.

A smile is like a yawn, it is contagious, others will smile when you can be found smiling.  It is a pleasant action that makes happy hormones happier.  Take a chance and smile through upset and realize how small things are after a smile.  We must learn as I always say , " to keep the small things small" a smile will help you do that.

Start tomorrow making an effort to smile and just take some situations as water on a duck's back and let it roll off.

See the benefits to smiling in the link below.

Turn your frown upside down and smile:)

Enjoy the video below by +Jamie Grace here is her link
                                                                    Jamie Grace

With inspiration,

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Eye Sees Better

Hello Everyone,

Before I begin, I have an announcement, Dr. Kris Marsh, an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of
Maryland will be a contributing blogger.  She is also a demographer  with a concentration on the African American experience.  Here in America, we are required to identify ourselves on all applications job, school etc. as Caucasian/white, African American/black, Native Indian, Asian and so on.  So, I categorize myself as black.  Dr. Marsh, will share the experience and bring to light views and conditions of the "black experience."  She will be coming soon.  Click the link below to see Dr. Kris Marsh on CNN.

Now, on to my entry for the night.......

Have you ever heard, "there is peace in the eye of the storm?"  Literally, within the middle of a storm there is a middle space/zone area of the storm that is still, a plane can fly into it and fly out without incident.  So is life a storm sometimes.  We go through these very turbulent storms and get tossed around, because we do not find the center, the eye, where we can think clearly and have peace.  It does not have to be so loud all the time just because, there is chaos in our lives, we can go to that hiding place in our heart and find refuge to think our way through certain things, we can decide not to conclude gloom and doom, but to embrace strength and endurance.

When in the storm we can go back to the middle/the eye and see our circumstance from a more positive viewpoint transforming the problem into an opportunity to flow with calm, to get a good night sleep, to pray and believe, to hold our head high, to not be a worrier and to have joy in the struggle.  If we can come back to the center, the center will ground us and keep us from over reacting and going over board about things that are not in our control.

My Dad told me one day, "Oreadea, even if you are on your back, if you can look up then you can get up."  Well, all I could do was smile that was my eye, it brought me to the center.  I could look up, I could see the break of day, my perspective changed and in faith, I walk today.

That eye is the compass that leads us to important quiet times to hear God speak to our hearts and tell us what to do about our situation.  It could be for us to wait a little longer about something or to move on something.  Whatever it is, in the middle, we can hear.   Is it not better to be still and know, than to move in haste and regret?

With inspiration,

Monday, April 1, 2013

You Can Get Through It

Hello Everyone,

Last evening I was watching a gospel choir competition and their was a judge named Fred Hammond and he said something that was so profound, he said, "If you fall, praise Him from the floor."  That is such a wonderful thing about the Lord, we can praise Him from where we are, and He will meet us there.  So, if we fall, He will be right there to help us and comfort us, but we have got to praise Him.  We are never so unworthy that we can not talk to Him and share what we are going through.  However, the key is to just say something to Him, even if it is just His name.

You can get through your trials and tribulations.  They may seem so final and the damage may seem permanent, but not so, when it comes to faith in what God can do.  There is no problem so big, but, we have to believe that He will do all that He said.  Here is what I have found, there is a way that we process and assess our circumstance, then, we decide that it needs to be handled a certain way, by a certain time.  So, we zoom in on the outcome that we want.  What about the outcome that God wants for us.  We just have to learn to pray and praise through the fire, pray and praise through the storm, pray and praise through the tears, pray and praise from the floor. Sometimes, we can stand right in the way and cause a real mess, when all that has to be done is to step aside and let God abide.  He will not fail us, but patience is what we must have.  Our time has nothing to do with Him, because His time is right and far exceeds any plan we have.  If we just resign ourselves to trust and let Him work and stop running interference, I will get through and you will get through every trial.  It is not easy to get through trials, they are painful and worrisome, but God will show us just how wonderful and great He is.

You can get through it, whatever it is, just find a way to pray and praise from right where you are. He hears what you don't say.

With inspiration,
