
Monday, September 29, 2014

God Knows

Hello Everyone,

I want to impress upon you to never feel or think that you are invisible to God or that He can not hear your silent prayers.  He hears and sees you.  He just may not move at the pace we want, but it is out of love for us that He moves at His timing.  His timing is perfect.  So, with that said, here is a poem, I composed for you.

God Knows

You cry inside with tears on the rim of your eyes
You hide your scream in the wind, because you can no longer scream within
You wear a mask so no one will know, parading  an unauthentic smile so that your hurt will not show
He Knows

The leaves on the trees shake because they feel your fear
The wolves slowly creep, they smell you near
They smell your lack of hope, your weakening ability to cope,
they smell the emptiness of your soul, they plan for your fall while creeping low
God awaits to protect you, He already knows

There is no way that you can feel that God can not understand
No problem so big that He can not crush with His Hand
No sorrow so sad that He can not give His peace
No hurt so deep that He can not reach
No seed so small from which flowers can not grow
Nothing so secret that He will not know

God knows you and is always there,
He shows up in so many ways to show how  He cares
He blocks you from danger of which you may never be aware
 If you just have faith the size of a mustard seed
That is all He asks, is just for your belief
No matter what comes and no matter what goes
God is there in advance, because, He already knows

copyright 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014

How To Believe

Hello Everyone,

Life is something that we can not predict it's every twist and turn, we hope, pray and anticipate.  This is where believing and faith comes into play.  We are not made to know everything, nor could we handle it if we did.  God knows how much we can bare and when we can bare it.  Thus, life happens.

So, how does one believe?  First, you must believe that God is almighty and that He keeps His word no mater what.  We, however, must trust Him and look to Him for help.  One believes by accepting the fact that God may not come when we want Him, but, He is always on time.  One believes by surrendering worries upon Him and trusting that He will come through.  One believes by letting God be there through it all and yield not to how one perceives things should be, but, look forward to God's results, which will far exceed anything one could ever imagine.

I have learned that God is a true friend and wonderful heavenly Father.  He makes His presence known, when we need His shoulder to lean upon, He will let us lean as long as we need.  Someone very near and dear to me once recited the Serenity Prayer to me, I am so thankful.  It helped me so much.  I would always reflect on the first part.  I would like to share the entire prayer with you.

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

 Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Believe that God will come through.

With inspiration, 