
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Eye Sees Better

Hello Everyone,

Before I begin, I have an announcement, Dr. Kris Marsh, an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of
Maryland will be a contributing blogger.  She is also a demographer  with a concentration on the African American experience.  Here in America, we are required to identify ourselves on all applications job, school etc. as Caucasian/white, African American/black, Native Indian, Asian and so on.  So, I categorize myself as black.  Dr. Marsh, will share the experience and bring to light views and conditions of the "black experience."  She will be coming soon.  Click the link below to see Dr. Kris Marsh on CNN.

Now, on to my entry for the night.......

Have you ever heard, "there is peace in the eye of the storm?"  Literally, within the middle of a storm there is a middle space/zone area of the storm that is still, a plane can fly into it and fly out without incident.  So is life a storm sometimes.  We go through these very turbulent storms and get tossed around, because we do not find the center, the eye, where we can think clearly and have peace.  It does not have to be so loud all the time just because, there is chaos in our lives, we can go to that hiding place in our heart and find refuge to think our way through certain things, we can decide not to conclude gloom and doom, but to embrace strength and endurance.

When in the storm we can go back to the middle/the eye and see our circumstance from a more positive viewpoint transforming the problem into an opportunity to flow with calm, to get a good night sleep, to pray and believe, to hold our head high, to not be a worrier and to have joy in the struggle.  If we can come back to the center, the center will ground us and keep us from over reacting and going over board about things that are not in our control.

My Dad told me one day, "Oreadea, even if you are on your back, if you can look up then you can get up."  Well, all I could do was smile that was my eye, it brought me to the center.  I could look up, I could see the break of day, my perspective changed and in faith, I walk today.

That eye is the compass that leads us to important quiet times to hear God speak to our hearts and tell us what to do about our situation.  It could be for us to wait a little longer about something or to move on something.  Whatever it is, in the middle, we can hear.   Is it not better to be still and know, than to move in haste and regret?

With inspiration,

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