
Thursday, April 4, 2013

How About Fridays

Hello Everyone,

As I mentioned in my very first blog, I am going natural with my hair and I am than 95% there. So, guess what? Every Friday will be "Hair Care" day.  You will see loads of natural hairstyle tutorials, stories of natural hair journeys and natural hair articles. what is good for your hair, what helps hair to grow, how does your diet affect hair health. Get ready for fun and education.

In deciding to become natural, there are so many things that change not just hair.  It is truly an overall decision to eat different, exercise and there is even an inner transformation.  There is a self assessment that takes place where you begin to really see and accept how you are made.

Just want to clear up the fact that natural hair does not just mean "kinky" hair, it simply means hair without chemicals.  It can be naturally straight, wavy, curly, without chemicals it is natural.  We will learn about all types of natural hair.

Society puts so many emphasis on how men and women should look and I understand, if you work in a white color job where a suit, or you have a job that has a uniform policy, but to change your skin tone or straighten your hair and add hair because someone somewhere said, this is normal and that is not, does not give you freedom to be you or to get to know who you really are.

In regards to adding hair, I am simply saying that adding hair for the purpose of conforming to society for acceptance is unacceptable.  Learn you, and how beauty is not someone else when you look in the mirror, it is all that you encompass, all of the genes that give you your smile, voice, laugh, walk, and yes hair, why not love it.  It is who you were meant to be, you have to begin to say, I love me.

Let society be whatever it is when it comes to commercializing what is beauty because, it is just commercial.  Real beauty is not just the physical attributes, it is also, having a beautiful spirit.  Everything you do, everyone upon which you have a positive impact helps to make you beautiful.

Let's take a peek at some of what is to come on Fridays.......  

A Natural that I discovered on youtube

With inspiration,

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