
Thursday, August 29, 2013

HairCare Friday

Hello Everyone,

Here is +Taren Guy with a bantu knot out tutorial
 Beatfacehoney - popular makeup artist does an eye makeup tutorial
                                        A tribute video to naturals posted by Sasham15

With inspiration,

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Let God Be Your Help

Hello Everyone,

God is all mighty. There is no power on this earth or anywhere inside or outside of the universe that has power greater than God.  He is our help in times of sadness, suffering and pain.  Have you ever thought of how when you weep, he may be sitting right there beside you with His hand on yours comforting you?  Have you ever had that feeling of comfort during your hardest cry?  All of a sudden, there is a calm that comes over you.  He is so wonderful and empathetic to how we feel.  He will not let us be comfortless.

In the inspirational video posted below shows the late Ron Winans and his sister Ce Ce Winans.  Ron Winan become very ill with his heart and was in a coma.  There was no hope for him to live, but, God step in brought him out of his coma, raised him up and there, you see him singing.  God helped him and gave him back to his family for a little while longer and restored his strength to sing again.

Never feel that God won't, because, He surely will.

Lean on God for your help.
                  The Late Ron Winans and sister Ce Ce Winans  Video posted by bcimasschoir

With inspiration,

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Honor Of Men

 Hello Everyone,

Here we are again with another Wednesday of "The Honor Of Men." I hope that this series helps many. It is intended to inspire and lend hope to the idea and truth that anything is possible. Also, the series will honor men that have made their dreams come true and those working toward their dreams, and yes, those who have a dream.

I can not begin to tell you why this idea came to me, all I know is that I am moving ahead with it.  I remember watching a documentary and it was about poor young black/African American men who lived in impoverished neighborhoods.  Let me just say, that this series is for all races and socioeconomic classes , I am just making a point about the documentary.  So, this documentary interviewed these young men and sadly their was a readiness agreement between them that they would not live past 25, then they began to name neighborhood friends that they lost, not in a year, but in a month.  They also, expressed how they could not get jobs, because of their address and zip code, if they filled out an application for a job they would not get an interview, because once the potential employer saw where they lived, they had no chance.  This is so disheartening, how can success be explained to young men who all agree that they will not live past their 25th birthday?   There has to be a way to spread hope and impress upon others that they can climb high, reach the unreachable dream and believe in what they think is impossible.  I do not know from where this idea for the "Honor of Men" bore, I just know there is a message and I am going to do my best to ensure its delivery.  

There are new aspects to the series that are currently in motion and will be announced in the future. There will be special interviews and event coverage.  So, stay tuned.

The motivational video for Wednesday is by the renowned speaker Les (Leslie) Brown, titled,
"Unwrap Your Infinite Greatness"  Video posted by +MindsetElevation
  Mary Mary "Go Get It" Video posted by watup178

With inspiration,

Monday, August 26, 2013

What Do You Expect?

Hello Everyone,

Begin to change how you perceive your ability to be great.  One to of the first steps to becoming great is to expect greatness.  Never have an inferior mind, you are great, build your confidence and believe that you are worthy and valuable.  So many compare what someone has to what they do not have, but things do not define anyone.  Those with the most can be the most unhappy.  So, learn to cast your eyes on what you want for yourself and claim it.  There is no dream so big that you can not accomplish it.  Expect good energy, positive thoughts, the introduction of positive people into your life and do not look back.  Embrace a change that will bring nothing but great things your way.

"Expect the Great" +Johnathan Nelson  

With inspiration,

What Is Your Monday Song?

Hello Everyone,

Prayer is extremely important.  If we remember that there is nothing that our strong God can not do, then, believing becomes easy.  Pray for the increase in faith, if you feel it is not where it should be.  Then, expect increase.  Pray, pray, pray and talk to God and let him know what it's all about, what is on your mind. Well, my dad use to tell me and still does, "If you can just pray while in the storm and find the eye of the storm, God will keep you during the storm, but in a peaceful place."  Can, I just say, that it is true.  I experienced it for myself and had to smile, because it happened for me, God is so awesome.  So, I can say to you from experience, prayer works.

Here is my Monday song:)
Charles & Taylor "Still Gonna Pray"  Posted by +Charslyn Iman

With inspiration,

Thursday, August 22, 2013

HairCare Friday

Hello Everyone,

I hope that the previous tutorials were helpful.  This evening is an informative video by Alicia James who is a natural.  She is also a singer, check her out in the second video.
5 Steps To Building A Good Relationship With Your Hair

+Alicia James  "Crazy In Love"  Posted by lyriqualblyss

With inspiration,

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Push Your Passion, Be Your Purpose

Hello Everyone,

Push your passion, be your purpose and give it all you've got.  If you want to sing, be the best crooner anyone has ever heard, if you want to be a musician put your heart in every tune, if you want to be a leader, have the biggest nerve to stand alone if you must, because, you believe in your cause, but, push your passion, be your purpose and give it all you've got.  What is your limit you ask?  Are you ready for the answer?  Your limit is 0.  You can go as far as you wish, once you believe.  There are no limits for you, only those made by you.

Push your passion, be your purpose and give it all you've got.  Pray always.

WesleymedeoliTV   Watch the video playlist, the video is above.

With inspiration,

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Honor Of Men

Hello Brothers, Uncles, Fathers, Nephews, Husbands and Sons

This is the very first Wednesday of "The Honor Of Men."  The series is intended to enlighten, encourage, educate and hopefully help to change how you may view yourself. I hope to have special guests that will give you a message of strength and hope.  I do not know how a man's life is everyday, I know that you make many sacrifices and swallow big pills for the sake of family, livelihood or other reasons.  I know that you have days like this, but you must begin to map out how you can truly live your dreams.  Faith is huge when it comes to success and progress and as you take steps toward your dreams, you will actually witness things falling into place.  But, you have to take a chance on you, with a clear focus on God.  Pray and move, pray some more than move, pray again than move.  The journey to your true destiny and purpose is a road that can only be traveled by you.  The path has your name on it, the destination spot is your future, so if it is already there for you, for what are you waiting?  I want you to listen to the video below and take in what is being said.  The words are coming from a man who knows the obstacles, the mountains to climb, how it feels to struggle and most of all how to overcome.  Believe, your change is coming.  The second video is of musical inspiration.

Get Ready:)  Here is etthehiphoppreacher (Eric Thomas)

   "A Change Is Gonna Come" Al Green   Video posted by richie2333

With inspiration,

Monday, August 19, 2013

I just Want To Share

Hello Everyone,

I am doing this entry a little early during the day instead of evening due to my schedule, but I really wanted to share this with you.  As you know, I have been going through a situation for awhile and a friend of mine called me really late one night and said that he felt like he should call me.  I am a pretty private person, however, he does know the situation, so, I told him that I could not sleep.  So, he started singing a song to me that I had not heard before, it was so soothing and inspiring, that I slept like a baby that night.  It is such an uplifting song and I really appreciate him for it.  Every night for the rest of that week, he called me and sung "Beautiful Feet," I had no problems sleeping the rest of the week.  Some of you may already know this song, but I just had to share it with you.  This song is so so so beautiful.  It is like God's soft message of comfort.

Don't forget "The Honor Of Men" starts on Wednesday, August 21.

Song by Donald Lawrence "Beautiful Feet"  Posted by Icelady107

With inspiration,

Sunday, August 18, 2013

What Is Your Monday Song?

Hello Everyone,

Here is a Monday song that I hope encourages you.

Trust God.  He will give you strength.

Song by Building429 "We Won't Be Shaken"

With inspiration,

Thursday, August 15, 2013

HairCare Friday

Hello Everyone,

Here is a sassy yet professional hair tutorial by +liquidlinerlover This is a flat twist out with a side roll and tuck.  For those of you who are not sure about how to do flat twist check out +Naptural85 's flat twist
Here is a quick nail design tutorial posted by +Nail Art Designs - By superWOWstyle 
A tribute to naturals by Demitria O

With inspiration,

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Does The Nail Hurt Yet?

Hello Everyone,

I was reflecting earlier on a conversation that I had with a friend, within that conversation he said, "The nail does not hurt yet."  I asked him what was he talking about?  He went on to tell me a story of a man walking his dog in the park and the man encountered a stranger.  He and the stranger began conversing and while doing so, the dog sat down upon a log.  The stranger said to the man, "your dog just sat on that log, and sat on a nail that was sticking up from it."  The man said to the stranger "when it hurts enough, he will get up."  My friend told me this story awhile ago and it just popped up in my mind.  I began to think, why do we allow ourselves to go through tumultuous situations and continue to sit on that nail that is sticking us, hurting us, bruising us, drawing blood and could be toxic to us?  I think that the answer in part is because, we pray for things to improve, we are faced with uncertainty and our faith becomes weakened. 

I want to encourage you to not wait until the nail that could be rusted causes you damage or harm.  Take a self-assessment of the damage and harm that has been caused thus far, and get off of the nail.  When you begin to pray to God for the increase of your faith and strength begin to get the mindset that God will make you strong and increase your faith to the level that you will stand on his word no matter what.  You will not let fear settle in your heart or doubt in your mind, because people outside of you are just that, people, circumstances outside of your control are not your worry.  Take time to read the Serenity Prayer and take comfort in knowing that somethings we do not have the power to change, but the wisdom to know the difference is power.  Please do not let anyone or your circumstances make you feel compelled to sit on that nail.  The power is not with those people and things, but with God.  He will give you confidence and inner peace and strength that will be a part of you before you realize.  Keep prayer on your lips and speak positivity and life in the midst of adversity and He will meet you right where you are.  Jesus already took the nails for us, so we must show Him that we believe in His sacrifice and courage.  Believe in Him and His Father in Heaven and from this day forward, be strong, be confident, be in faith and watch God move on your behalf.

+vashawn mitchell  "Turning Around For Me"

With inspiration,

Sunday, August 11, 2013

What Is Your Monday Song?

Hello Everyone,

Here is my Monday song, I hope this worship song inspires you.
Jason Nelson "Shifting the Atmosphere" 

With inspiration,

Friday, August 9, 2013

You Will Be O.k.

Hello Everyone,

Have you tried to tell someone something or ask for help and the person/persons did not want  to hear what you had to say?  Listen, God hears.  Lean and depend on him when you can not get anyone else to hear you.  God will help you to cope and get through your troubles.  God will be your counsel and tell you exactly what to do, and you will be o.k.   I am a witness, He will talk to your heart and go with you when you go through.  He is our Mighty God, Our Strong Tower.
Pastor Marvin Winans "You Just Don't Wanna Know"  Video posted by +Richard Arsenault

With inspiration,


HairCare Friday

Hello Everyone,

Well, here we are, a really nice and simple hair tutorial by +colouredBeautiful

Makeup Tutorial by Prettyinhtown
Song India Arie  Video posted by lillie20  (A Tribute to Naturals)

With inspiration,

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

All Things Are Possible

Hello Everyone,

God lives.  He will never leave you nor forsake you, He promised and you can believe that it will not be broken, just when you think that you have no more strength, He steps in and shows us that He is on top of the situation.  There is nothing too big or too hard For God.

With our God, our Strong God all things are possible.
Nicole Mullen "My Redeemer Lives"  Video posted by +Sherrie Lockwood

With inspiration,

It's Time To Breakup - Repost

Hello Everyone,

It is so hard to breakup, because there is an attachment and invested time, a place of familiarity, and it means having to move on.  There is always an excuse to stay and be controlled, but it is time to sit down and chat and finally go in separate ways.  I am talking about a long-term relationship with fear.  Who wants such a relationship, we just do not know how to call the whole thing off. The spirit of fear is something that we allow to enter into our lives.

Fear can run and dictate your life.  Fear loves being boss and telling you what you can and can not do. Fear will be so convincing about having power over us that we fall for the gimmick.  Fear is a great negotiator, negotiating  power away to make us feel that it can break us.  Guess what?  It is time to sit down and have a chat with fear, have not things gone far enough, because of this chaotic relationship with fear?  Fear does not have your back, it tries to use scare tactics to keep you feeling powerless, it lies to you about how much power you truly have, it is a thief stealing confidence, peace, joy and invading your personal space.

So now, it is time to get some composer and kindly breakup.  Fear should no longer be allowed to have one moment more in your life.  Take it all back, whatever was stolen claim it and take it back. Fear won't leave on its' own, it will stay around as long as you let it, just weighing you down.  Go ahead and help fear pack, get all of its' trash talking, emotional strong arming and holding you back ways to the curb.  Set fear out, give fear a warning not to try and comeback, it can knock, but it will not get in.

It is time to point fear to the exit sign.

                                             Hello Fear  Kirk Franklin

With inspiration,

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I Have An Announcement To Make

Hello Everyone,

Starting Wednesday, August the 21st, I will begin a new entry series titled "The Honor of Men."  This series will be every Wednesday.  I have no special reason for Wednesday, it is just what stood out as the day for "The Honor of Men."  I have tried over the last 5 months or so to encourage a few young men that I know to provide entries for the series, which will encourage men and give them a positive word, but to no avail. So, I have decided to move forward in an attempt.  Yes, I am a woman who does not know of course, what it is like to be a man, but from a perspective of someone who knows and understands that men hurt, they grieve, they sacrifice and need encouragement, I am going to do my best to encourage you.

Ladies, I am not leaving you out.  I know that you support and read my entries and I want to say thank you.  My entries are inclusive of everyone.  However, men are different from us.  They do not really talk about their feelings and sometimes it is hard to translate their hurt into our understanding.  Simply, because we are not men.  I have male friends who have shared things that showed me that I had no clue how deeply men can be hurt by words or how they can really wrestle with and be so frustrated by personal issues.  So, they try to "Take it like a man" and keep going, but ladies, just as we encourage each other, men need encouragement and that is all I want to do.  So, even if you have words of encouragement for the men once the series begins, send me your sentiments and name and I will post them (  We have to lift each other up in good and in bad.  So, I invite you to send positive words their way as well.

I will be counting down from today, so, get ready for "The Honor of Men."

Get Motivated and don't forget to pray
 Video posted by Matzusz M 

With inspiration,

Sunday, August 4, 2013

What Is Your Monday Song?

Hello Everyone,

Get inspired today.  Listen to the words of this song and keep your head up:)

God Loves You

Mandisa "Overcomer"

With inspiration,

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The People of The World Can Get Along

Hello Everyone,

We must over ride hate with love.  Hate is a creation of inferior thinking to promote so called "superior races."  There is no such thing as a superior race.  There is such thing as human and as humans, we are obligated to live, care and love together.  We Must Pray For The World.

Video by +Playing For Change Foundation  Song "Stand by Me"

With inspiration,

Friday, August 2, 2013

HairCare Friday

Hello Everyone,

Another HairCare Friday featuring MahoganyCurls with a curly fro tutorial.

Song by Mary J. Blige   Video by Imlostwithoutmymap


To submit a picture or a tutorial video, please do the following: send in your how to style video or a picture of you with your hair journey story to include information such as, how did you go natural, how  you feel about your decision to go natural and what advice can you share with those transitioning. Also, include your name be sure to submit during  the week to; in the subject line put either tutorial or photo with story according to what you are sending.  Every Friday, I will post a video or photo with the story that was submitted.  I look forward to your submissions.

With inspiration,