
Saturday, March 30, 2013

All Year Is, Thank You

Hello Everyone,

We have arrived once again, it is Easter season.  Why do we wait for Easter to really think about and appreciate the sacrifice of God to give His only begotten Son and Jesus, to be obedient to His Father and give of His life.

The Journey of Jesus through the searing heat, sand storms and brutal dryness, all for us.  God's committed love for us and Jesus' committed love for God is our saving grace in this world.  There is so much hate in the world, it is so hard to comprehend, for it was hate and jealousy that took Jesus to the cross for His life.  But, I guess, if we could not learn what hate can do from the lesson of Christ, people will continue to spread hate now.

I want to say thank you to God the Father for his great love and for thinking of me long before I was born, for thinking of and loving all of us long before we were born.

What a sad sad story of bullying and cruelty that Jesus endured to save us.  He was literally tortured just because some did not believe and over politics, leaders became jealous.  How can one even begin to have the capacity to understand being spat on, called names, stones being thrown at you, being pushed, and who knows the extent to the bullying day after day, after day.  And, through it all, Jesus continued to walk through sand storms and high heat to continue His commitment to save us.

Tears can not begin to express the sadness to think of how horrible this experience was on top of being betrayed by someone who was suppose to support and protect Him.

Lastly, to be made to carry a heavy cross and  to be beaten on His way to his death.  While along the way, brutal acts that only He could withstand, but for the love of us.

Thank you, you did not have to do this, you could have left us to be lost.

The spirit of Easter should not be for a season, but all year.  The act of love has no expiration date, nor is it a once a year time of acknowledgement.

May I offer for us to begin the daily practice of being thankful for God's love and His son Jesus Christ.

Happy Easter to everyone,


Sunday, March 24, 2013

When Tears Begin To Fall

Hello Everyone,

Sometimes we get very into our feelings and not into our faith.  We must always remember.........

                                          Kirk Franklin, Don't Cry

With inspiration,

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Your Sense of Self Is Not Their Call

Hello Everyone,

Being called names and being bullied can hurt anyone.  That which comes out of the mouth of others can be as a sword and pierce your very core, but always know that no matter what God loves you.  We may not always look exactly the way that we want, but that does not give one person the right to be cruel.

People that are mean to others have issues that they project onto others whom they feel they can hurt.  Do not let anyone bully you.  It is easier said than done, I know, but start with you and self acceptance.  As others see your self-esteem rise, they will begin to back off.  Well, you say, "I am so emotionally bruised by how I am treated that I just do not like me and I deserve it. " No, you do not deserve to be dehumanized and belittled.  You must take a look at the situation, that bully did not create you and does not wake you up in the morning.  Since, this is the case, why give them power.  The only power that they have is what you hand to them.  Even if you do not feel like being confident tell yourself everyday that you love you and that you will no longer give away your power.

A bully is someone who comes in many forms and enjoys making others suffer and miserable.  Call on your inner strength and pray for strength to realize your greatness and be able to walk in it daily.  We do not know why people bully, it could be jealousy, it could be because they hurt, it could be because they were bullied in their past, but still I ask, what right do they have?   There is none.

I hope that you know that you are loved and cared about.  Do not let anyone make you feel small.
You are great.

                                       God Loves You by The Canton Spirituals

Until next time,

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I Became

Hello Everyone,

I am posting a poem that I composed.  I hope that you enjoy.

I Became

A quiet wish upon a twinkling star
In the night sky
Night dreams of day dreams parading by 
The softness of a whisper
I wish one by one

I want to reach out
Touching the heart of someone
Provide shade for a woman with child
Waiting in the noonday sun

I want to be a voice in a mind
With no sense of hope
 Outreach, compassion, courage to cope
Self expression through art
An oil painting of my heart

The light began to shine
 Through the window to my face
 I heard a gentle voice  
“In this world you have a place”

I can stand and say
I am that person I wished to be
I am the greatness that I call me
I am the one who goes by my name
I am the dream
 “I became” 

A Tribute to Self-Worth
                                                                                                      © 2002

Never Give Up By Yolanda Adams

Until next time,


Friday, March 15, 2013

No Home For Injustice

Hello Everyone,

I want to announce that starting April, I will begin bringing awareness to various news and events of injustice starting every 4th Wednesday of each month to allow the word time to get out about an injustice.  No Home for Injustice is the title of this segment of the blog.  There are so many cases that are not brought to the forefront and they need public attention.  Advocacy is what I have done all of my life and it is something that is my purpose.

I will bring to you stories from around the world of injustices.  Change must begin somewhere, but how about with us.  We must change our attitudes about what happens to others and not always feel that it has nothing to do with us.  We can start to at least care and say a prayer for those that have been hurt by injustice.  As the great Dr. Martin Luther King said in his letter from the Birmingham jail, what affects one directly affects us all indirectly,  this is not an exact quote, but it is close.

Injustice is wrong and it takes awareness and people willing to speak out, write lawmakers, walk the streets in non-violent protest to make change.  If we knock and the door is shut in our faces, we should knock again, if we knock again and the door is shut and then locked, we knock again. 

I hope that you follow every month.

I like to close each blog with a video of meaning.

Until next time,

           Official Hillborough Justice Collective - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

Thursday, March 14, 2013


+Hasan Green Singing Yahweh   Here is his youtube link


Until next time,

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Get Into It!!

You have hopes?  You have dreams?  You want to live out your dreams?  You know that you are destined for something more? Did I hear you answer yes, what are you waiting for? This can be the very moment that you decide to make a step toward your dreams in life.  Your only obstacle is you. Do not let anything be an excuse to not begin to move toward what you were gifted to this earth to do.  O.k., your schedule is tight, you have much responsibility and priorities, but can we put you on that list now?  Can I say something, time waits for no one and we must begin to make time to either figure out what that constant gentle nudge is or for those that already know start your journey to live your purpose.

God gives us this little nudge that will wake us up out of our sleep to remind us what we really are suppose to being doing in life, He will distract us during the day to remind us, He will give us a glimpse in a dream of just how life would be if we lived on purpose, He will use others to say something that will spark an "oh my goodness."  They may barely know us, but will tell us all about our gifts. And we still will not see it as a sign and move.

The wonderful thing about finding out how to believe is that we do not have to have all of the answers and intricate details, just to take a step.  All we have to do is to take that first step. When we say, I should have, I will when, If I had the chance, Maybe it is just not for me... we compromise our destiny and those the moments in time when our gift would have helped others.

You know what it is like to just imagine yourself doing what you were born to do and how genuinely happy you feel.  In that very moment, you feel so passionate about writing, singing, teaching, advocating, preaching, counseling, whatever it is, you want to reach out and live it.  It is in your reach, stop holding back and  "Get Into It."  Put your heart and soul into your meaning in life.  Everyone has a meaning, no one is without purpose.  A good start is to write a positive note to yourself, put it in your pocket, take it everywhere and also repeat it everyday.  Learn a scripture and repeat it everyday, also write it down, at times, just read it, but motivate yourself and let no one talk you down from where you are climbing.

Get into getting focused and not giving negativity a front row seat in your mind.  Do not give room to negative comments, people or words.  You must change even the words that you speak, speak positive as often as you can, smile, do one thing each day toward your purpose, do not doubt when good things begin to come to fruition, do not become afraid when you can begin to see change toward your purpose.  As you make up your mind and set your heart you will see yourself move from dream to reality.  Please believe, God will not let you down, but we have to lift up his desire for us and know that he is with us all the way, because he placed a seed of purpose in our DNA before we said hello to the world. So guess what, you can do this.

Give life your all based on your purpose.  You are great, you must begin to believe it.

The title of this blog was inspired by a youtube video I saw with a young lady singing, but then, I saw these twins. I thought it was a good sample of showing you what I mean by "Get into it."  They threw their hearts into it and felt what they were doing.

If we can Get Into It, confidence will soar.

Get Into It and Share Your Gifts.

Until next time,

                                         Twin Brothers Darius and Demetris

Monday, March 11, 2013

Let Children Speak, You Just Might Hear Something

Hello Everyone,

I did not expect to write again tonight, but there is a message that I need to send.  I very recently spoke with a girl that shared some deeply hurtful feelings about some very personal things with me.  All I did was ask her what is wrong? She just appeared distant all of a sudden, so, I just asked. I did not expect much, so I thought that I would just see what she would say.  Well, what a surprise that one question opened up a door of pain and sadness for her.  She shared so much of her inner feelings that all I could do was listen.  I honestly thought that she would brush me off, but a part of me thought, it was better to ask and get brushed off than to not ask and something is really wrong.

Here is my message, for those adults who are reading, we must realize that children are people with problems of life too.  Sometimes we take their youth for granted and we feel that their life experiences can be measured, but that is soooo wrong.  Some children have experienced unspeakable things that damage and impact them in ways that would make us cry rivers.  We must take time to pay attention to signs and listen to give children opportunities to share what is on their minds, it may need addressing.

In times of stress, we all need a positive word and need to ask God to give us a sense of peace..  So, I dedicate the video to every child, every woman, every man that is hurting. 

Till next time,

The Afters - Light Up The Sky

Stepping Out on Faith

So many people step out on faith, but why have I decided to step out on faith?  Well, let me share some of my story.

Throughout my life I have always wanted to help others and I did.  There came a point in my life when I needed help and those that were charged with helping did not. Once I stood up and spoke out everything I have always felt rushed back in a strong way.

Now, I am stepping out on faith to help others in a way that I will ask God to lead. 

As I go through a situation, where I have the support of family and friends,  I want to also encourage anyone that reads my blog and is going through a situation.

 I never asked the question as to why this happened or why it is happening.  I am simply grateful that God has my back and I will stand strong.  It does not mean that I will not have not so good days, but it does mean that I will stay in faith.

So, with that said, this blog will be dedicated to life's ups and downs and just ordinary everyday stuff.  It will also invite others to share stories of ups, downs, pics, fun, education and opinions about current subjects and events. Most of all, being your true self and having a voice that shares your true expressions. 

To tell you a little more about me, I am in transition from perm to all natural hair.  Wow, what a great feeling.  One Saturday, my daughter (who is transitioning) and I cut all of the perm out of my hair from the top to the back.  Currently, I am growing my length in the front so that I can say, "see ya" to the permed ends in the front.

As I mentioned, I am going through a situation on which I can not comment.  However, I will say, stand up for yourself,  do not feel that anyone can control your place in life.  Even when you are most afraid pray, then stand up.  Fear will hold you back, I know, it held me back.  Now, from knowing what fear can do, I now say to you, in the face of fear you must stand. No one is greater than you and once you understand that as in the words of Maya Angelou "no one is more human than you," then you will think differently.  I would also venture to say that no one has power over you.  If you walk in faith you may not see initially how great you are, but just walk in it, and you will become so strong that those things that appeared so much bigger, you will see in its real form and size.

As a means of encouragement, I will post poems of inspiration.  Yes, I am a poet and will not only post my poetry, but will ask for submissions to post readers poetry as well.  So, start composing to inspire.

To start, I will personally post on this blog once a week, maybe more if time permits, and soon I will welcome contributors to True Youness.