
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Your Sense of Self Is Not Their Call

Hello Everyone,

Being called names and being bullied can hurt anyone.  That which comes out of the mouth of others can be as a sword and pierce your very core, but always know that no matter what God loves you.  We may not always look exactly the way that we want, but that does not give one person the right to be cruel.

People that are mean to others have issues that they project onto others whom they feel they can hurt.  Do not let anyone bully you.  It is easier said than done, I know, but start with you and self acceptance.  As others see your self-esteem rise, they will begin to back off.  Well, you say, "I am so emotionally bruised by how I am treated that I just do not like me and I deserve it. " No, you do not deserve to be dehumanized and belittled.  You must take a look at the situation, that bully did not create you and does not wake you up in the morning.  Since, this is the case, why give them power.  The only power that they have is what you hand to them.  Even if you do not feel like being confident tell yourself everyday that you love you and that you will no longer give away your power.

A bully is someone who comes in many forms and enjoys making others suffer and miserable.  Call on your inner strength and pray for strength to realize your greatness and be able to walk in it daily.  We do not know why people bully, it could be jealousy, it could be because they hurt, it could be because they were bullied in their past, but still I ask, what right do they have?   There is none.

I hope that you know that you are loved and cared about.  Do not let anyone make you feel small.
You are great.

                                       God Loves You by The Canton Spirituals

Until next time,

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