
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Breathe and Get Over It

Good Morning Strong Men and Women,

Have you ever been in a situation where you just keep trying over and over again to fix something or you try over and over again to understand what you will not understand?  Yes, me too, here was my lesson out of it, if it is meant to be fixed - it will, if you are meant to understand - you will.  It is really simple.  So, stop exhausting your energy working on a "junked car;" it is no good and will not work for you.  Sure, you may have feelings about leaving well enough alone, but, you will get over it. Take a good deep breath and make the beneficial decision to get over it.  Let's look at it this way, to try means to put in effort to achieve something.  Sometimes, to try is all that you can do, once you have done that enough times and see that there will be no change, and that no change is not good, then, step away.  Don't dismay yourself over that which is not bringing results of peace, joy or again change.

Let me share this with you, pay very close attention, are you ready for this? Here it is - Life is precious and too short, your life is too valuable, you are too valuable, your time is valuable, God made you not to suffer, but, to prosper, you deserve peace and joy, you matter more, you deserve the best, here is where I stop, but, I could go on and on........

Let me share something else with you........

God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things that I cannot change, the COURAGE to change the things I can and the WISDOM to know the difference........
This is the first part of the Serenity Prayer.  Someone great in my life said it to me one day and I am sharing it with you.  It made a difference for me.

Be more diligent in caring about yourself, move yourself up on your priority list right beneath God and work and live in that manner.  Because, unless you do this, how can you be any good to anyone else.  You have got to reconcile with the hard fact that some things, some people have to be left alone. Stop letting your joy be stolen over and over again, because, you keep trying over and over again to work on an issue that can not be resuscitated.  Cherish you more for the good of yourself.  Life is too short and your happiness and peace of mind are too important.  God does not want you to be heavy laden with that which He did not give you, in the first place.  As humans, too often, we go after something or someone that we feel we have to have and the creation of unhappiness begins.  God does not work in pain and dismay.  Think about it, pray about it, then breathe and get over it, for your sake.

I hope this video inspires you.  Be strong, you will be just fine. I did not say it would be easy, but, you will get through it and be fine.

 "Over It Now" By Pastor Marvin Winans              Posted by Richard Arsenault
 With inspiration,

Thursday, January 31, 2019

If You Never Get, " I Am Sorry"

Hello Winners,

We so desire to hear those 3 little words, "I am sorry."  If they are not sincere, what are they really worth to you?   Throughout life people are going to do and say things that are hurtful and we feel that an apology is in order.  Yes, it is, but, don't force anyone to give it and do not feel that there is no closure if you do not get one.  Here is the key, if you can forgive and move passed it, it is better than an empty, "I am sorry."  If something is on your chest let the person know, do not let them walk around oblivious to your feelings.  It is not fair to consider it common sense for them to know that you were wounded by their words.  It is best to have a moment with him/her to express how you feel, but, be prepared to put it behind you after that.  If you do not get an apology,  just use it as a measuring stick to govern your interaction with him/her in the future.

Too often, we feel that an apology equals closure.  However,  your feeling of closure is not predicated on those 3 little words.  Closure really comes from knowing that you are whole without it.  Have I had first-hand experience with feeling the need for an apology and did not get one?  Absolutely, it took me a minute to realize that an apology is not going to provide closure for me, because, I knew that it would not be sincere.  So, what did I do?  I began to examine the character of the person as I came to see it.  You may not come to anything in particular, however, take heed to how a person reacts to you from that point on.  My Dad would always says, "You are what you are when you act."  I found this to be so true and I measure accordingly.  My point is, an apology is not needed to bring wholeness to you.  You are already whole and if it never comes, it will not change the fact that you are whole already.  It is not a good feeling to feel dismissed by anyone, however, keep your power.  Do not give an inch of it away by persistently wanting someone to acknowledge your feelings.  Sometimes, it just may not happen.

If you never get an apology,  it is ok.  You can now see a little clearer into the character of a person and can choose to be cautious. You want to have genuine people in your corner, who will acknowledge you when you are hurt and who will truly care about your heart.  Do not be dismayed, instead, feel relieved about the revelation that you now see what you did not see previously.  Would you rather an empty apology or sincere one?  With that asked, assess, measure and govern things accordingly.

Last, but not least, pray for comfort of your hurt, counsel in dealing with it and look forward to an emotional growth spurt.  Don't be arrested in this, wake up and see you as whole no matter an apology or not.
Jill Scott - When I Wake Up      Posted By: Shonta Evans

With inspiration,

Thursday, January 17, 2019

A Dedication For The Men

Hello Strong Men & Women,

We are lifting up men today.  You deserve to be motivated and encouraged to keep going.  Your days are not always good, but, you get through it and for that, you are Strong Men of Honor.  This is also dedicated to a special man, who is there for me and has my back, no matter what.

 "Men of Honor"

Posted by: RedFrost Motivation

                 Fred Hammond "Lord Your Grace"  posted Groove4dayz

With inspiration

Friday, December 21, 2018

Just Get Off Of The Battlefield Please

Hello my strong Men and Women - my Winners,

My last post was in November, as a blogger, who blogs weekly, I find that it is not the easiest thing to do. With the holidays approaching business became busy.  I will not complain about that, but, I needed to carve out time to get back to my blog.  So, here we go........

I want to inspire you with this post encouraging you to learn to move out of ,not just your own way, but, move out of God's way.  Stop trying to be the player and the coach.  We as humans, run out of energy trying to figure out everything to every situation.  We can't, I know, their is no such thing as the word "can't," but, we can't.  We are not able to see into the future that way or make the impossible possible. Only our Father in His Great Heaven can do that.  Life is no joy ride and many tears we will cry on the journey through it.  However, those bumps in the road are often times, created by us.  We get in the way and cause hardship on ourselves.  When I was going through a rough time in my life.
I remember being in my parent's kitchen and my Dad looked at me and said, "Ree, why do you ask God to fght your battles, but, you stay on the battlefield, get off the battlefield and out of His way, so, He can do what you asked Him to do; get off the field."  I looked at my Dad and he simply said in his loving voice, "Stop trying to do it yourself, you can't figure it all out, it's too much stress; God, on the other hand can fix it all."  I felt a sense of surrender, in my chest, as if for the first time in a long time I could inhale.  Have you noticed when you are going through something and you finally get some relief, you feel like you have been holding your breath for a longtime?  That is how I felt.  I am realizing that many of my posts will probaby reference my Dad and the things he said to me.  I have always referenced his words to family and friends, but, I think more so now that I lost him.   He left this year and his lessons stick right with me; if they help you, I am more than happy to share.

There is no book that touches on every part of life and how to live through your downs and how to find your way up.  Authors write books on specific topic to help the reader meet a need and achieve a goal.  There is one book however, that covers everything.  The answer to any question is in it.  That book is the Bible.  If you are wondering how to get off the battlefield and let God fight your battle, look to your bible for guidance and strength to just pray and be still.  We are so use to being reactive but, it is not always best.  Of course, if there is a report of a hurricane getting ready to make landfall in your city and the weather reporter says, leave your home, head to safety in the next state, you will do that.  However, if a hurricane comes into your life do you really need to scramble and run to and fro trying to stop the hurricane?  No, because that is not possible.  I am referencing my Dad again, he would tell me to find the eye of the hurricane, where the stillness is and just sit right there.  He said that you are going to see all types of debris, maybe even animals being tossed about, but, you stay right in that eye, where there is calm, stay right there until the storm is over.  So, my strong men and women, my winners, prayer and believing is our eye of the storm.  It will your peace in the time of trouble.  But, look at this, if you decide that the battlefield is where you belong and you have to challenge and tackle the situation and fight it yourself, the hurricane may cause injuries that would not have otherwise happened.  We have to just know that God will come through.  He will not allow anything or anyone to destroy you.  But, don't try to hurry Him by running on the field, because, you think that you can help Him.  As someone special to me always says, "one thing for certain, two things for sure......."  So, I say, one thing for certain, two things for sure, God does not need our help to do anything.  The only thing that He ask of us is to believe.  So, if you can just sit down in the eye of that storm and keep still and believe, you will see God's greatness and how He works things out for your good.

I dedicate this video to you

Yolanda Adams - The Battle Is The Lord's

Posted by: BrothaAjay

With inspiration,

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Try and See

This is a repost.

Hello Stong Men & Women,

You have been stopped in your tracks interrupted by that very thing that you have notoriously, dodged, ran from, side stepped and frankly, feared and you decide to take a chance and not run.  As you suspected or maybe not, it blows up and now regret grips your hand tightly to comfort your suspicion, to put you back on the running track and back in shape to dodge, run etc.   Well, everything is not going to work out all of the time, at least, you dared to try.  As the saying goes, "Nothinng beats a failure, but a try."  If you decided not to try, because you feared failure, you would have never learned that you can be open to give a chance to something that you have turned your back on for sooo long.  Disappointment may set in, but only give it a moment then move on.  Everything and everyone is not a good fit, but something or someone is.  It does not matter so much if things went good or bad, but, that you dared to try.  What others may deem as easy, may not be easy for you, the wonderful thing is,  if you are valued for trying, if you are worth it and special enough in giving it a chance, then, it will fall into place.  Be grateful about what you have learned, take the positive away from the lesson and let that part grow to enhance your future experiences.

I say to you that all of you are beautiful for trying, beautiful souls, beautiful minds, beautiful hearts.  Do not be discouraged and by all means, do not revert back to the old, but embrace the newness of what you have unlocked and opened.  Baby steps never hurt, but, keep stepping.  The right situation, the right person will meet you where you are - wherever that is, and will have no pains about showing you that you are worth the wait, the understanding, the talks, the time and so much more.

With that said, breathe deep and exhale:)

 Posted by: ThisisRnB               Mali Music - Beautiful

With inspiration,

Thursday, October 4, 2018

You Got This

Greetings Strong Men & Women,

Yes, I know, it is Thursday and you are so ready for Friday, but, you got this.  You may be on a job where you are tired and ready to go home, some are your own boss and you are tired of that too.  But, you must push through the rest of this week and give these last couple of days your best.  Don't let these next couple of days be ruined by anyone that you may encounter.  Just remember words are just words and how you choose to respond is the game changer for your mindset.  Not every comment deserves your time nor attention.  Not every action warrants your reaction.

I need you to focus, get your head in the game and end this week with a bang.  You got this,  if you  need to write out a to do list to keep you on track, do it.  If you need to take a small break and walk a moment, do it.  The power to make the rest of this week a success is in your control.  Watch the video below and grab your motivation.  Why, because, you got this.....


With inspiration,

Thursday, September 20, 2018

You Can Overcome

Hello Strong Men & Women,

O.k., lately, life has been an uphill battle, the struggle is real and you are feeling fatigue.  Guess what, you are not alone in this.  Everyday is an intentional effort to have one more meeting, to improve, to make one more phone call, to deal with one more problem and to tolerate one more person dancing on your one last nerve.  Let me encourage you and myself.  Life is going to present many challenges in many ways.  It all gets you ready for the next level.  It feels like a bunch of hoops and hurdles and many times, it is, but we must stay prayed up and never give up.  Let God be our Guide.

I hope the videos below encourage you and convince you to keep going.

 Les Brown " You Got to Be Hungry"
Inspirational video by Diamond Dallas Page

If the gentlemen in the above inspirational video can overcome, imagine what you can do.

With inspiration,