
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Breathe and Get Over It

Good Morning Strong Men and Women,

Have you ever been in a situation where you just keep trying over and over again to fix something or you try over and over again to understand what you will not understand?  Yes, me too, here was my lesson out of it, if it is meant to be fixed - it will, if you are meant to understand - you will.  It is really simple.  So, stop exhausting your energy working on a "junked car;" it is no good and will not work for you.  Sure, you may have feelings about leaving well enough alone, but, you will get over it. Take a good deep breath and make the beneficial decision to get over it.  Let's look at it this way, to try means to put in effort to achieve something.  Sometimes, to try is all that you can do, once you have done that enough times and see that there will be no change, and that no change is not good, then, step away.  Don't dismay yourself over that which is not bringing results of peace, joy or again change.

Let me share this with you, pay very close attention, are you ready for this? Here it is - Life is precious and too short, your life is too valuable, you are too valuable, your time is valuable, God made you not to suffer, but, to prosper, you deserve peace and joy, you matter more, you deserve the best, here is where I stop, but, I could go on and on........

Let me share something else with you........

God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things that I cannot change, the COURAGE to change the things I can and the WISDOM to know the difference........
This is the first part of the Serenity Prayer.  Someone great in my life said it to me one day and I am sharing it with you.  It made a difference for me.

Be more diligent in caring about yourself, move yourself up on your priority list right beneath God and work and live in that manner.  Because, unless you do this, how can you be any good to anyone else.  You have got to reconcile with the hard fact that some things, some people have to be left alone. Stop letting your joy be stolen over and over again, because, you keep trying over and over again to work on an issue that can not be resuscitated.  Cherish you more for the good of yourself.  Life is too short and your happiness and peace of mind are too important.  God does not want you to be heavy laden with that which He did not give you, in the first place.  As humans, too often, we go after something or someone that we feel we have to have and the creation of unhappiness begins.  God does not work in pain and dismay.  Think about it, pray about it, then breathe and get over it, for your sake.

I hope this video inspires you.  Be strong, you will be just fine. I did not say it would be easy, but, you will get through it and be fine.

 "Over It Now" By Pastor Marvin Winans              Posted by Richard Arsenault
 With inspiration,

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