
Friday, December 21, 2018

Just Get Off Of The Battlefield Please

Hello my strong Men and Women - my Winners,

My last post was in November, as a blogger, who blogs weekly, I find that it is not the easiest thing to do. With the holidays approaching business became busy.  I will not complain about that, but, I needed to carve out time to get back to my blog.  So, here we go........

I want to inspire you with this post encouraging you to learn to move out of ,not just your own way, but, move out of God's way.  Stop trying to be the player and the coach.  We as humans, run out of energy trying to figure out everything to every situation.  We can't, I know, their is no such thing as the word "can't," but, we can't.  We are not able to see into the future that way or make the impossible possible. Only our Father in His Great Heaven can do that.  Life is no joy ride and many tears we will cry on the journey through it.  However, those bumps in the road are often times, created by us.  We get in the way and cause hardship on ourselves.  When I was going through a rough time in my life.
I remember being in my parent's kitchen and my Dad looked at me and said, "Ree, why do you ask God to fght your battles, but, you stay on the battlefield, get off the battlefield and out of His way, so, He can do what you asked Him to do; get off the field."  I looked at my Dad and he simply said in his loving voice, "Stop trying to do it yourself, you can't figure it all out, it's too much stress; God, on the other hand can fix it all."  I felt a sense of surrender, in my chest, as if for the first time in a long time I could inhale.  Have you noticed when you are going through something and you finally get some relief, you feel like you have been holding your breath for a longtime?  That is how I felt.  I am realizing that many of my posts will probaby reference my Dad and the things he said to me.  I have always referenced his words to family and friends, but, I think more so now that I lost him.   He left this year and his lessons stick right with me; if they help you, I am more than happy to share.

There is no book that touches on every part of life and how to live through your downs and how to find your way up.  Authors write books on specific topic to help the reader meet a need and achieve a goal.  There is one book however, that covers everything.  The answer to any question is in it.  That book is the Bible.  If you are wondering how to get off the battlefield and let God fight your battle, look to your bible for guidance and strength to just pray and be still.  We are so use to being reactive but, it is not always best.  Of course, if there is a report of a hurricane getting ready to make landfall in your city and the weather reporter says, leave your home, head to safety in the next state, you will do that.  However, if a hurricane comes into your life do you really need to scramble and run to and fro trying to stop the hurricane?  No, because that is not possible.  I am referencing my Dad again, he would tell me to find the eye of the hurricane, where the stillness is and just sit right there.  He said that you are going to see all types of debris, maybe even animals being tossed about, but, you stay right in that eye, where there is calm, stay right there until the storm is over.  So, my strong men and women, my winners, prayer and believing is our eye of the storm.  It will your peace in the time of trouble.  But, look at this, if you decide that the battlefield is where you belong and you have to challenge and tackle the situation and fight it yourself, the hurricane may cause injuries that would not have otherwise happened.  We have to just know that God will come through.  He will not allow anything or anyone to destroy you.  But, don't try to hurry Him by running on the field, because, you think that you can help Him.  As someone special to me always says, "one thing for certain, two things for sure......."  So, I say, one thing for certain, two things for sure, God does not need our help to do anything.  The only thing that He ask of us is to believe.  So, if you can just sit down in the eye of that storm and keep still and believe, you will see God's greatness and how He works things out for your good.

I dedicate this video to you

Yolanda Adams - The Battle Is The Lord's

Posted by: BrothaAjay

With inspiration,

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