Hello Strong Men & Women,
I posted on my IG last evening a vignette of Fantasia Barrino (Taylor) sing "Free Yourself" to hopefully open eyes to the possibility of being really happy. This is 2018, there is no more time or room for anyone who does not treat you good, who does not make you smile, instead you feel lonely and not cared about. (First, let me say, there are individuals out there that are victims of abuse and there is a different dynamic here. I urge anyone being abused to talk with someone who can help in dealing with the how and when for such a relationship. Please call National Domestic Violence Hotline on 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224). For those who are not in an abusive relationship and you are holding out hope for a person who is showing you better than they can tell you, that they have no respect for you and have no plans to make you happy, instead, they dishonor you and treat you with disdain, you must begin to count the cost of this. You may feel like you will be too hurt to get over someone, so far from true. Will you hurt, yes...will it take time to get over him or her, yes, it will. However, it is the decision to realize your worth and what you deserve (happiness) that will help you to breathe again. I want to be careful about this, because, I am not saying that you must leave any relationship, I am saying, if you are unhappy, disrespected and made to feel disregarded, you have some thinking to do. God created us to live a life of purpose, joy and courage, not to be torn and broken down by someone who is filled with a displaced ego, who feels big by making you feel small. I can say this, because, I once lived it on many levels with someone who I was with for many years. I would have bet my last penny that he would not have been so horrible, guess what, I would have lost my last penny. So, I am speaking from a place of experience and not television. When you accept the thoughts that this is the only person in the world for you, you break your own heart. you are keeping a seat in your life for someone who does not want to earn it and does not have to earn it. You already gave the seat to him or her.
How can you grow if you do not nurture your life in all areas. You may nuture your health by exercising and that is good, you may eat right to also nurture your health...wonderful, you may pray and go to church to nuture your spirit, this is extremely good, you may take various classes to enhance your knowledge and career...always in order, you may have a great abillity to meet great people and cultivate good friendships....I can go on. I think you have the idea, you can do all of these things, but if you do not work on and nurture your inner-self, you will always lack peace and contentment. If you are praying and going to church, do not neglect the obvious. Stop being afraid to pray for freedom from a relationship that keeps you bound. You can do many things to nurture your life in various areas, but, if you don't accept what is before you and you leave it to grow weeds it will choke out your efforts in the other areas. I can tell you with certainty, if you think you may be unhappy, you are. There is no one walking the earth who is worth any more of your time, attention and effort, when it is not reciprocated. No one can be forced to care and show respect if it is not there intent. You deserve to live with integrity, love and consideration. Never lessen your value in any situation. You are not less than, if anything you are more, because of your big heart and sincerity in how you feel about the other person. Believe it or not, that is a blessing, because your heart is good. You can not be afraid, because you can not see the future without the person who brings you pain, ask yourself, how will it be if you contine with him or her? The only way I know to tell you is to begin to give happiness, joy, respect and love your trust and let these wonderful things navigate you to a good space in your head, in your heart and in your spirit. God will take care of you and will not let you fall. Many times, we pick who we think we want and do not ask God to send us who we need. He wants you to live happy in your relationship, not stressed and unsure. You never need this person, don't believe it, because, it is not anyone's truth.
I am posting this video to provide a message. The song mentions fighting, which, does not simply mean physical fights, it speaks to verbal fights and the push pull emotional struggles to make it what it is not, you so badly want him or her to honor you and they are not willing to honor you. Be faithful to you and your happiness, the picture will be clearer. Ladies and Gentlemen, you deserve love<3
Fantasia "Lose To Win" posted by chanwall2008
With ispiration,
Inspirational messages that are written to help and encourage readers. Life has many hills and valleys. If there is something that can be said to let people see and know their value and strength, then, Oreadea's Inspirations blog has done its job. No one should feel alone, worthless, or helpless. Everyone has purpose and value. And yes, we are here for your hair and skin too. You thought we forgot; noooo way:)
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