
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Break The Chain of Your Strong Hold

Strong Men & Women,

Negativity is toxic and we have to practice daily to be positive.  Some people just have a good disposition and see the glass as half full, but, not everyone is wired that way, maybe, the environment in which they grew up was not too happy, this plays out in one's life.  However, it is vital to purposefully seek to be positive, to think and talk positive.  It is also vital to clear out the mind and get rid of old and new thoughts that are poisonous to you.

Prayer is so important in the process of renewing of the mind.  If you are use to negative thoughts then it certainly is a process to change and maintain the change.  One may change for a day, but the key is not to revert back to that which is toxic.  Something that is toxic does not always have a sudden effect, but overtime it can take a toll on the mind, body and soul.  So, it takes prayer, faith and effort to rid yourself of negativity.  It is good to ask yourself, "what and possibly who is toxic to me and what steps do I need to take to capture all that is positive, so that I may be positive?"  At times, this is in spite of, because, there are certain people that you may have to be around who are not necessarily positive, but you can not change that, however, you can pray for them and make sure not to take on any of their negative ways or let it affect your process to be positive.  How do you do this?  Well, first, make up in your mind that you are actively pursuing happiness and peace of mind. Although, you may be inside of a negative environment, you are going to think of the best way to not be of it and maintain your process.  This may mean if a negative comment is made in your presence you tell yourself that you have no comment and that you will not engage in one, you may have to remove yourself from the environment for awhile and leave negative to its own space, you may have to begin to discover how to simply do things that bring you joy, you may need to consider having a talk with that person if they are significant in your life and give them a gentle notification that you are not about being negative and not to expect any conversations that are not positive from you.

Negativity brings on stress and is irritating to one's ability to just be.  Constant negativity is no good and you have to work on replacing it with positive thoughts, people, things, reminders.  Keep a scripture in mind or even written on paper and carry it in your pocket, but keep a reminder of where your head needs to stay.  Keep combating the negative, it seems to have its own energy to thrive so, you have to have energy to thrive too, but with a positive attitude.  Free yourself from negativity and plan to move your life to letting others keep their negative ways, not taking on negative conversations and understand that negativity is toxic.

Start today to make strides to really put positivity in front of you.  Do not share in negativity, just do not take it on.  Everyday, be productive to working on positive, and you will draw positive things and people your way.

Tasha Cobb "Break Every Chain"  Posted by +lawrence james

With inspiration,

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