
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Are You Comfortable? Repost

Hello Strong Men & Women,

Do you feel quite content with where you are, but still have a dream?  How can that be you ask?  Well, it can  happen by feeling that you have done pretty good for yourself, a decent job, financially fit and just satisfied.  Then, you look at your dream and determine, it does not seem attainable, but that is no big deal, are comfortable, no real complaints right?

Comfort does not necessarily equal true fulfillment, until you pursue your dreams and make them happen, you should not lay back in your easy chair.  There is more life to be had.  When we see dreams as being unattainable, that is when negative thoughts begin to tell you, "look at that dream, it is too far for you to reach," "You need to be satisfied with what you have accomplished, not many have done what you have done, stop trying to be so happy."  Have you heard this one, "Why put yourself through the pressures of going after that dream, it is not worth facing its' challenges, you are afraid anyway?" All of this is just mental noise and has nothing to do with anything until, you listen to it.

Get out of being comfortable, step out of your comfort zone and start getting in motion.  It does not have to be a quick motion.  It is like riding a bike, the gears have to get in alignment, you have to repeatedly peddle for a nice smooth ride, but to get to that point, you start out with a slow peddling motion, you have to hold on to the handle bars to really get some momentum, but if you just stay in motion, keep peddling......guess what, it begins to happen, it gets easier and now you can ride with no hands.  Hills maybe in the path, but, if you keep peddling, you will make it to the top, because you stayed in motion.  As fun as biking is, it is not always easy, it takes effort, safety gear, which for us, is ...prayer.  However, along the way, you will see beautiful scenes, you may meet others who share your ambitions, there will be nice smooth surfaces.  It will not happen if you do not try and to your surprise, you might become uncomfortable.

My message is, do not consider comfortable as where you should be.  If you do not have dreams and are truly satisfied, then, be comfortable.  This does not pertain to you.  But, if you have this burning desire that just will not leave you alone, then you need to get in motion and stay in motion.  Do not stop because of negative thoughts or even negative comments from others.  This has always been my feeling, those that do not support my dreams did not make me.  He who crafted and created me and wired me a certain way has given me this dream, ultimately, the dream is actually my purpose.  So, my dream constantly nudges me and keeps me in motion.  I am going to keep peddling until I get there.  So, for you, please keep peddling too:)
Posted by: TubeTV                                                 Go Get It - Mary Mary

With inspiration,

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