
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

If You Don't, You Won't

There are places in life where we must make a decision to do or not to do.  Life's cycle is perpetual, each year goes by with or without our cooperation.  We may try to buy time, hold off on things, give ourselves reasons not to do, but guess what, the sun rises, then sets, the moon comes out and it starts all over again the next day.  So, if you don't decide to believe in yourself and make your dreams come true, you won't become who you are meant to become.  

Fear is our worst enemy, but it enjoys being cozy with us.  Fear wants to be our very best friend. Why, so that it can conquer you in spite of the real fact that you have a dream and you know that you have a purpose.  Fear is a bully that will only continue, if you let it.  Here is the good news about fear.  You have power over it.  You can take fear along for a little while.  What do I mean by this?  What I mean is that in the beginning of your journey toward your dreams you may have a little nerves about it, which is fear, but then you must give fear the boot and step out on faith.  So, this is just one moment worth of realization that you are really doing this, pursuing your dreams and after that, the boot.

It is o.k.. to envision, to close your eyes and day dream about becoming, but when does the becoming begin?  You have to do, if you don't, you won't.  Life is here for you to live on purpose and you were put in the cycle of life to live out something wonderful and make a mark on someone somewhere in this world.  But if you don't, you won't.

I am just saying that all things are possible.  This is scripture, so if you can not believe that you can do it, believe the scripture.  If all things are possible, why aren't you included.  We are all included.  It is our own lack of faith in ourselves that keeps the possible from happening.  I was about to say, just imagine you being who you were meant to be, it is time to do, to be, to stand in the place that your purpose has reserved for you.

Just a thought to encourage you.  Don't dare to dream be the dream.  If you don't, you won't.
Motivational video         Posted by Mateuse M

With inspiration,

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