
Friday, December 20, 2013

When Someone Hurts You

Hello Strong Men, It seems that I have been having conversations with so many hurt or simply unhappy people lately.      I feel compelled to blog on the subject.  You know, I see hurt as something felt in a place that is considered indescribable and unreachable.  Hurt can take one to a place of surrender, wherein, you give in to what you have been fighting against.  For example, someone may be determined not to be emotionally affected by someone close to them that puts them down, but, the day comes when everything makes for the perfect storm, that person's mood, the fact that they have begun to be affected by the person, even fatigue and it happens, the melt down, when all emotions are on the loose and the pressure cooker explodes.    

I had various conversations with individuals that touched on reasons why they feel hurt or unhappy.  So, I am thinking, what can I say to ease their hurt or unhappiness, but, it is good to listen at times, and say nothing other than a prayer in your heart. I am not an expert who can say, do this and you will be rid of all hurt and unhappiness.  But, I do know from experience that prayer and actively working on becoming strong is vital in healing.  Sometimes, the people that we let into our lives do not have overall good intentions and do not reciprocate your kindness, real sense of friendship and genuine compassion for them.  In some cases, there are relationships and friendships that are broken because one hurt the other.

I could go through many situations where people become hurt and unhappy.  I will add that decisions we make are not always good ones and therefore, we somewhat dig our own ditch.  But, what I want to do is encourage anyone reading this who is hurt and just can not figure out why this happened.  First, I say, for every moment that you want to play back what happened, don't, pray instead,  give yourself room to feel the sadness that it brings then, be thankful for the revelation.  Sometimes, when we see things after the fact, we get upset, which is human, but, be thankful too that you know now what you did not before.  Second, I want to say, do not place blame on you for not seeing or maybe you did m, and decided to ignore signs.  All you can do from here is take in the lesson and apply it to your future.  Give yourself credit for even feeling hurt.  Some people just are cold and care very little.  Just to have feelings that are real and can be extended to another is in its own way a blessing.  If you are caring and loving, remain that way.  Do not become bitter and begin to build the highest emotional wall ever, just be thankful for the heart that you have to be kind, gentle, thoughtful, understanding and good, by no means does this make you gullible.  It makes you human, living in God's light.

Let God help.

With inspiration, Oreadea

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