
Monday, July 22, 2013

Something You Should Know

Hello Everyone,

I have posted the following video previously.  I just need to go back to it.  There are so many people that are hurt by words of others and their own thoughts, but please know that God loves you.  Do not believe the hype of words and thoughts, because they are not truth, God is truth.  It is easy to get wrapped up in believing that you are less than, that you are not enough, that you are invisible, that you have no power.  Faaaallllllsssseee, absolutely false.  You have power, because God placed it in you, not only that, He is all power and will be your fortress and confidence.  Take hold of believing in yourself and do not look in the mirror and see what you saw the last time.  Look and see that God loves you and has made someone beautiful.  We are His children and He has made a great sacrifice, His only son, to show us His love.  Therefore, we must reciprocate by not allowing negativity to manipulate us to give time to people, things and thoughts that work against us.  Additionally, do not let your self-esteem plummet because of what others say.  Who know their motivation and who should care? Anyone who did not create you can not break you.  If your self-esteem has been damaged pray and work on it day by day.  Pray for the eyes to see your own beauty, kindness and value.
"God Loves You" The Canton Spirituals  Video posted by Bigbofy

With inspiration,

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